Thursday, January 7, 2010

Benefits Of Exercise

Are you having problems with your health? Can you sleep and eat normal? The best and cheapest solution is to exercise.

Exercises slow down aging by improving physical, mental, emotional and psychological well being. It increases our insulin to prevent diabetes therefore lowers our sugar level. Exercises also increase our energy and endurance level, improve the functions of the immune system, normalize the flow or circulation of blood in our body. It reduces the risk of heart disease and other forms of sickness. Exercise reduces our body weight faster than any other forms of weight reducing pills and will help us sleep better. One important reminder though, never exercise too close your bedtime especially at night because it may keep you awake. To those persons who have sleeping and eating disorders, who are having problems with their health, exercise is the best and cheapest solution.

I was having problems with my health after i graduated from college. I stopped playing basketball when I finished school and i forgot to control my diet. I became overweight. I'm starting to experience chest pains and felt dizzy in some occasions. I was afraid i might succumed to a heart disease. I immediately decided to jog every morning and play basketball. After months of continuous diet and exercise, I am starting to feel physically, mentally and spiritually normal. Love yourself and your family, stay fit!

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Climate Change

The effects of climate change can be felt globally. If you can see in the news, there is a massive chunk of iceberg that was swept away from the Antarctic shelf. Glaciologist Neal Young of Australian Antarctic Division said the iceberg, known as B-17-B was still largely intact and is currently 1700 kilometres south-south-west of the West Australian coast. It's history is quite amazing because almost 10 years ago it broke away from the Ross ice shelf in Antarctica. And for almost a decade it's journey can be seen heading to the "land down under".

Climate change can be observed by the changing weather patterns. Floods and typhoons can be felt across Asia and hurricanes in America. We need to protect our planet by acting now so that our children's children may have a better place to live in.

Monday, October 12, 2009

NBA "Where Amazing Happens"

I can’t wait for the season opener of the 2009-2010 NBA this coming October 27th. Who do you think will grab the championship this year? Is it still Kobe and the Lakers or Le bron and the Cavs. Well, it’s so hard to tell because there are a lot of teams that is so well balanced and full of talented players. How about Dwight the “Superman” Howard of the Orlando Magic or Carmelo Anthony of the Denver Nuggets. This year is as exciting as before and don’t forget Tim Duncan of the San Antonio Spurs and the young Chicago Bulls. Wow! I’m so excited to watch my favorite sport. It is indeed the best game in the planet. My forecast last year to meet in the championship are the Los Angeles Lakers and the Cleveland Cavaliers but my heart is on Lebron because he was the only one carrying the team and nobody is helping him out to win the game. Unlike the magic, it’s not only Dwight who is carrying the team but the entire crew. That is the reason why they beat the Cavs in 6 games. Howard of the Orlando Magic got 40 pts., 4 assists and 14 rebounds and James of the Cleveland Cavaliers got 25 pts.,7 assists, and 7 rebounds. A very low output for the go to guy of the Cavaliers.

Well, enough for the disappointments of the Eastern finals last year. Everyone is looking forward for the season opener of the 2009- 2010 NBA season, the best game in the planet.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

QuickBooks Online

If you want to manage your business as accurate as possible. I would recommend the QuickBooks Online application. QuickBooks easily creates invoices, pay bills and track sales and expenses and reduces paperwork. It also saves time and allows you to work when and where you want because with QuickBooks Online, you can have anytime access from any inter- connected PC or Mac and you can even view data from an iPhone or Blackberry.

Using this application allows you to create reports easier re: month end, quarterly and year end. Basic accounting like accounts payable and accounts receivable is easier using QuickBooks.

I have been using QuickBooks Online and as a Bookkeeper, it is easier for me to create receipts, make sales and expense reports, set up and create categories for charges and consolidating accounts.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Farewell Cory

Last August 05 2009, our beloved former President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino was laid to her final resting place. Her burial was the most publicized since the death of her former Senator husband, Benigno Aquino more than 2 decades ago. We can call her an "Angel of democracy" or the Philippines next Saint. Thousands attended her funeral procession from Manila Cathedral to the Manila Memorial Park. It started with a mass at exactly 9am and ended at almost 9pm! She was finally laid to rest after 12 hours due to monstrous crowds that gathered outside the Manila Cathedral up to the Manila Memorial Park. I couldn't imagine thousands of people soaked in the rain gathered outside the streets of Manila just to get a glimpse of their beloved president.

I was teary eyed when I listened to the speech of her daughter Kris during the final rites at the Manila Catherdal. Indeed Cory will remain an icon to the Filipino people. President Aquino's charisma will be truly missed...

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Goji Juice

Deep in the valleys of the Himalayan mountains of Tibet and Mongolia, there grows a red berry about the size of a small grape. This berry, known locally as the goji berry, is celebrated by the locals in two-week-long festivals every year. Revered for thousands of years as a great healer, natural anti-aging supplement and nutritional staple, the goji berry, along with its juice, is just now sweeping its way into Western consciousness.

Goji berries are a part of a larger family of berries known as Lycium (their Latin name), but some say the local growers in Tibet and Mongolia make a clear distinction between their goji berries (Lycium eleganus barbarum) and other berries in the same family.

The truth is, many of the common goji berries sold on the market may very well differ in genetic makeup, but a more thorough investigation is needed to conclude as to whether one is more nutritious than the others. In fact, the methods used for growing the berries may have just as much to do with their nutritional content. For example, organic fruits and vegetables have been proven to contain significantly higher levels of nutrients and antioxidants.

Our bodies need a variety of things to function properly, and much of our aging is caused by our bodies not getting these things, whether they be certain vitamins, minerals or other agents that are ill-understood by modern doctors or scientists. The best place to get what our bodies need is clearly from eating a variety of foods, which should include as many different types of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds and herbs as possible.

The simple fact is, goji juice and berries are indeed incredibly healthy, the effects that are noted from them by many people may simply be related to their bodies suddenly getting a sorely needed boost of vitamins, minerals, healthy sugars, antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and other things they are not used to getting in their normal diets. This is not to say that you won't notice an effect if you already eat healthy, but the fact of the matter is that nothing will benefit you more than simply eating a diverse diet, exercising, getting proper sleep, taking time to relax, play, and develop healthy relationships and strive to grow emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

8 Straight Benefits of Red Wine

Wine is one of the oldest alcoholic beverage. It dates back thousands of years ago. It is refreshing and fulfilling. There are several benefits that wine offers to our body.

Reduced risk of death from nearly all causes: European researchers suggest that moderate daily intake of red wine (22-32 g of alcohol) has a protective effect on all-cause mortality. Moderate consumption of wine is more beneficial than that of beer or spirits.

: Acute smoking significantly impairs vessels' natural ability to relax, or vasodilate. Red wine, with or without alcohol, decreases the harmful effect of smoking on the endothelium - layer of cells that provide a friction-reducing lining in lymph vessels, blood vessels, and the heart.

Heart disease: One of the well-known and most studied benefits of red wine is its heart protective effect. Moderate consumption of red wine on a regular basis may be a preventative against coronary disease.

Blood clots: Red wine produces anticlotting, or antithrombotic, action. Light to moderate consumers of wine have lower levels of protein fibrinogen which promotes blood clot formation.

Atherosclerosis: Red wine may prevent the initiation and progression of atherosclerosis (hardening or "furring" of the arteries). Atherosclerosis starts when blood vessels begin to lose their ability to relax. Both the alcohol and polyphenols in the red wine appear to favorably maintain healthy blood vessels by promoting the formation of nitric oxide (NO), the key chemical relaxing factor that plays an important role in the regulation of vascular tone

Hypertension: Excessive alcohol consumption is generally considered a risk factor for hypertension. However, there is some evidence of favorable effects of red wine on blood pressure. Two glasses of red wine (250 ml), taken together with the meal, lower post-meal blood pressure in hypertensive persons.

Kidney stones: Red wine intake reduces the risk of kidney stone formation.

Alzheimer's disease
: Moderate wine drinking correlates with a lower risk for Alzheimer's disease. Researchers found that resveratrol, a red winepolyphenol, produces neuroprotective effects.