Thursday, August 6, 2009

Farewell Cory

Last August 05 2009, our beloved former President Corazon Cojuangco Aquino was laid to her final resting place. Her burial was the most publicized since the death of her former Senator husband, Benigno Aquino more than 2 decades ago. We can call her an "Angel of democracy" or the Philippines next Saint. Thousands attended her funeral procession from Manila Cathedral to the Manila Memorial Park. It started with a mass at exactly 9am and ended at almost 9pm! She was finally laid to rest after 12 hours due to monstrous crowds that gathered outside the Manila Cathedral up to the Manila Memorial Park. I couldn't imagine thousands of people soaked in the rain gathered outside the streets of Manila just to get a glimpse of their beloved president.

I was teary eyed when I listened to the speech of her daughter Kris during the final rites at the Manila Catherdal. Indeed Cory will remain an icon to the Filipino people. President Aquino's charisma will be truly missed...